Execute the query
- To execute the query, we need to call execute methods according to our requirement.
- To create the table, need to call executeUpdate() method.
- executeUpdate() method presents in java.sql.Statement interface.
public int executeUpdate(String
String createTable = "create table emp(eno number(5), ename varchar2(10), address varchar2(10)";
String createTable = "create table emp(eno number(5), ename varchar2(10), address varchar2(10)";
statement.executeUpdate(createTable );
Program : Executing the query to crate a table
Program name : ExeQuery1.java
Output :
Driver is Registered successfully
got Connection from DB success
Statement object created successfully
Table created successfully
got Connection from DB success
Statement object created successfully
Table created successfully
import java.sql.*;
class ExeQuery1
public static void main(String args[])throws SQLException
//step-1:Register the JDBC driver
Driver d=new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver();
System.out.println(“Registered succesfully”);
//step-2: get the connection from DB server
System.out.println("got Connection from DB"+con);
//step-3 create the Statement object
Statement statement = con.createStatement();
System.out.println("Statement object created successfully");
//step-4 execute the query
//step-4 execute the query
createTableQuery = “create table emp(eno number(5),ename
System.out.println("Table created successfully");
To compile above java program we have to set the class path to ojdbc14.jar, so, keep this jar in corresponding directory then set the class path.
Set class path:
- C:\Nireekshan\JDBC>set classpath=ojdbc14.jar;.;
Compile : javac ExeQuery1.java
Run : java ExeQuery1
Output :
Driver is Registered successfully
got Connection from DB success
Statement object created successfully
Table created successfully
got Connection from DB success
Statement object created successfully
Table created successfully
Thanks for your time.