Tuesday, 15 November 2016


JSP topics

1. Basics

1.1 Servlet may not fits every time
1.2 How JSP fulfill the gaps of servlet
1.3 Why JSP
1.4 What is JSP
1.5 Is JSP works like a Servlet?
1.6 Difference between JSP & Servlet
1.7 Where JSPs are living structure?
1.8 Life cycle of JSP
2. Scripting elements

2.1 scriptlet
2.2 expression
2.3 declaration
3. Implicit objects

3.1 request
3.2 response
3.3 config
3.4 application
3.5 session
3.6 pageContext
3.7 page
3.8 out
3.9 exception
4. Directive elements

4.1 page directive
4.2 include directive
4.3 tag lib directive
5. Handling exception

5.1 errorPage attribute
5.2 isErrorPage attribute
5.3 <error-page> element
6. Action elements

6.1 forward
6.2 include
6.3 what is Bean
6.4 useBean
6.5 set & getProperty
 7. Expression Language

 8. MVC terminology

 8.1 What is M
 8.2 What is V
 8.3 What is C
 8.4 MVC application
 9. Applications

 9.1 Login
 9.2 Registration