Thursday, 17 November 2016


Spring topics

1. Basics

1.1 What is Spring
1.2 BIG Hype for Spring
1.3 Why should we learn
1.4 Total Modules
1.5 Spring versions
2. Core Module

2.1 IoC container
2.3 Spring bean
2.4 BeanFactory
2.5 ApplicationContext
2.6 Bean scopes
2.7 Bean nature we can customize
2.8 Bean involving in inheritance
2.9 Configuring container by Annotations
2.10 JSR 330 standard Annotations
2.11 Java based container configuration
3. Resources

3.1 What are resources in Spring
3.2 Resource interface
3.3 Pre-implementations for Resource
3.4 ResourceLoader interface
3.5 ResourceLoaderAware interface
3.6 ApplicationContext and Resource paths
4. Validation

4.1 Why should we validate the things
4.2 Validator interface
4.3 Error message while validating
4.4 Read files
5. SpEL

5.1 Spring Expression Language
5.2 Expression interface
5.3 Configuring by XML
5.4 Configuring by Annotations
5.5 SpEL basics
6. AOP

6.1 What is AOP
6.2 Goals of AOP
6.3 @AspectJ support
6.4 Schema based AOP support
6.5 Style of AOP declaration
6.6 Proxy
7. Spring AOP APIs

7.1 What it is
7.2 Pointcut API
7.3 Advice API
7.4 Advisor API
8. Data Access

8.1 Transaction Management
8.2 Global
8.3 Local
8.4 Spring transaction abstraction
8.5 High level synchronization
8.6 Low level synchronization
8.7 Declarative transaction
8.9 Programmatic transaction
8.10 Diff of Declarative & Programmatic
9. DAO

9.1 What is DAO
9.2 Why should we learn DAO
10. Spring JDBC

10.1 Whats special with Spring JDBC
10.2 Things to know in JDBC package
10.3 Imp core classes in JDBC
10.4 Handling database connections
10.5 JDBC Batch operations
10.6 Operations with SimpleJdbc classes
10.7 Modeling JDBC operations
10.8 Common problems
10.9 DataSource
11. ORM

11.1 What is ORM
11.2 ORM with Hibernate
12. Web

12.1 Web MVC
12.2 DispatcherServlet
12.3 Controller
12.4 @Controller
12.5 @RequestMapping
12.6 @ModelAttribute
12.7 @SessionAttribute
12.8 @RequestAttribute
12.9 Handler mapping
12.10 Resolving views
12.11 UIRs
12.12 Locales
12.13 Themes
12.14 Multipart(file upload)
12.15 Handling exceptions
12.16 Web security
12.17 HTTP caching
12.18 Spring MVC configuration
13. View technologies

13.1 Velocity & FreeMarker
13.2 JSP & JSTL
13.3 Tiles
13.4 Jasper Reports
14. Integrating with

14.1 Struts
14.2 JSF
15. JMS

15.1 What is Java Message Service
15.2 Sending message
15.3 Receiving message
16. Email

16.1 Spring mail support
17. Schedulers

17.1 Spring scheduler support
18. I18N

18.1 What is I18N
18.2 Support for dynamic language
19. Spring JSP tags

 19.1 argument
 19.2 bind
 19.3 message
 19.4 param
 19.5 transform
 19.6 url
20. Spring-form JSP tags

 20.1 button
 20.2 checkbox
 20.3 error
 20.4 form
 20.5 hidden
 20.6 input
 20.7 label
 20.8 option
 20.9 password
 20.10 radiobutton
 20.11 select
 20.12 textarea