Data node,
- What it stores
- What is the responsible
- Heartbeats
- Block report
- How many
- Commission
- Decommission
- Communication
- If data node fails
- A data node stores the actual data or raw data.
- DataNode manages the blocks and store data blocks
- DataNode responds to NameNode for any kind of file operations.
- Data nodes takes responsible for serving read and write request for the clients.
- By using heartbeat mechanism data node used to update current status to NameNode about,
- Stored blocks.
- Idle blocks.
- Working status
- Heartbeat interval is every 3 seconds
- If heartbeat is not receiving then name node recognize particular data node down.
- When data node down then immediately name node takes responsible to take the replication of data.
Block report
- Every 10th heart beat is a block report.
- It can be any number of data nodes per cluster, means if data set is growing then we can add more data nodes.
- Adding Data Nodes to the cluster is called commissioning
- Removing Data Nodes from the cluster is called Decommissioning
- One DataNode can communicate with other DataNode during replication
- When data node down or fails then immediately name node takes responsible to take the replication of data.
Thanks for your time.