Tuesday, 30 April 2019

7. Input and Output

7.   Input and Output    -   20 min read
  • Why should we learn about input and output?
  • Input and output
  • Convert from string type into other types
  • eval() function
  • Command line arguments
  • IndexError
  • len() function
  • Programs
7. Input and Output

Why should we learn about input and output chapter?
  • Till now we have hard-coded variable values and used to print those.
Program       Hard coding the values
Name          demo1.py


  • But in real time based on requirement few values, we should take at run time or dynamically.
This way is good so, taking the values at run time is recommended than hard coding.

                           Please enter the age: 16
                           The entered value is: 16

Input and output
  •  Input represents data given to the program.
  • Output represents the result of the program.
  • input() is a predefined function.
  • This function accepts input from the keyboard.
  • This function takes a value from the keyboard and returns it as a string type.
  • Based on requirement we can convert from string to other types.
Program      Printing name by taking the value at run time
Name          demo2.py

                  name = input(“Enter the name: ”)
                  print(“You entered the name as: ”, name)

                  Enter the name: Nireekshan
                  Your entered the name as: Nireekshan 

Program      Printing name and age by taking value at run time
Name          demo3.py

                  name = input(“Enter the name: ”)
                  age = input(“Enter the age: ”)

                  print(“You entered name as: ”, name)
                  print(“You entered age as: ”, age)

                  Enter the name: Anushka
                  Enter the age: 60

                  Your entered name as: Anushka
                  Your entered age as: 60 

Program      Checking return type value for input() function
Name          demo4.py

                  value = input(“Enter the value ”)
                  print(“Your entered value as: ”, value)
                  print(“type is: ”, type(value))

C:\Users\Nireekshan\Desktop\Programs>py demo4.py

Enter the value: Nireekshan
                  Your entered value as: Nireekshan
                  <class ‘str’>

C:\Users\Nireekshan\Desktop\Programs>py demo4.py

Enter the value : 123
Your entered value as:  123
type is:  <class 'str'>

C:\Users\Nireekshan\Desktop\Programs>py demo4.py

Enter the value : 123.456
Your entered value as:  123.456
type is:  <class 'str'> 

Convert from string type into another type
  • We can convert a string value into int, float, etc by using corresponding functions. 
    • From string to int            -        int() function
    • From string to float         -        float() function
Program       Converting from string type to int type by using int() function
Name          demo5.py

age = input(“Enter your age: ”)
print(“Your age is: ”, age)
print(“age type is: ”, type(age))

x = int(age)
print(“After converting from string to int your age is: ”, x)
print(“now age type is: ”, type(x))

C:\Users\Nireekshan\Desktop\Programs>py demo5.py

Enter your age:16

age type is:  <class 'str'>
Your age is:  16

After converting from string to int your age is:  16
now age type is:  <class 'int'> 

Program       Converting from string to float type by using float() function
Name          demo6.py
salary = input(“Enter your salary: ”)
print(“Your salary is: ”, salary)
print(“salary type is: ”, type(salary))

x = float(salary)
print(“After converting from string to float your salary is: ”, x)
print(“now salary type is: ”, type(x))

C:\Users\Nireekshan\Desktop\Programs>py demo6.py

Enter your salary:12.34

salary type is:  <class 'str'>
Your salary is:  12.34

After converting from string to float your salary is:  12.34
now salary type is:  <class 'float'> 

Program       Taking int value at run time.
Name          demo7.py

age = input(“Enter your age: ”)
print(“Your age is: ”, x)

                  Enter your age: 16
                  Your age is: 16 

Program       Taking int value at run time in a simple way
Name          demo8.py

age = int(input("Enter your age: "))
print("Your age is: ", age)

                  Enter your age: 16
                  Your age is: 16 

Program       Taking values at run time in simple way
Name          demo9.py

age = int(input("Enter your age: "))
salary = float(input("Enter salary: "))

print("Your age is: ", age)
print("Your salary is: ", salary)

Enter your age: 16
Enter salary: 123.456

Your age is:  16
Your salary is:  123.456 

Program       Accept two numbers and find their sum
Name          demo10.py

                  x = int(input(“Enter first number: “))
                  y = int(input(“Enter second number: “))
                  print(“Sum of two values: “, x+y)
Enter first number: 10
Enter second number: 20
Sum of two values: 30

Program       Accept two numbers and find their sum
Name          demo11.py

x = int(input("Enter first number: "))
y = int(input("Enter second number: "))
print("The sum of  {} and {} is {}".format(x, y, (x+y)))

Enter first number: 1
Enter second number: 2
The sum of 1 and 2 is: 3 

eval() function
  • input() function returns string type.
  • eval() is a predefined function which takes a string as a parameter.
  • If you entered any expression in the string, then eval() function evaluates the expression and returns the result. 
Program       eval() function evaluating expressions
Name          demo12.py

sum = eval("10+20")


Program       eval() function evaluating expressions
Name          demo13.py

sum = eval(input("Enter expression: "))

         Enter expression: 2*3+4

Command line arguments
  • While running a program we can provide the arguments.
  • These provided arguments are called Command line arguments.
  • We need to use argv to work with command line arguments.
  • argv is a list in python.
  • argv is available sys module.
  • So, we need to import sys module to access argv.
  • C:\Users\Nireekshan\Desktop\Programs>py demo.py 10 20
    • argv[0]            =>     Name of the program (demo.py)
    • argv[1]            =>     10
    • argv[2]            =>     20
Make a note:
  • When providing arguments,
    • The first argument argv[0] is Name of the program.
    • Remaining arguments are argv values respectively.
Program      Printing run time arguments by using argv.
Name          demo14.py

from sys import argv  

Run             python demo14.py 30 40



  • If we are trying to access command line arguments with out of range index, then we will get IndexError.
Program      Accessing index which is out of range.
Name          demo15.py

from sys import argv  

Run             python demo15.py 30 40

                  IndexError: list index out of range

Program      Without command line arguments addition
Name          demo16.py

                  x = 10
                  y = 20


Make a note
  • Command line arguments are string type, means argv returns string type,
  • So, by default argv type is a string.
  • Based on the requirement we can convert from string type to another type.
Program      Checking argv type
Name          demo17.py

from sys import argv

first_name = argv[1]

print(“First name is: ”, first_name)
print(“Last name is: ”, last_name)

print(“Type of first name is”, type(first_name))
print(“Type of last name is”, type(last_name))

Run             py demo17.py nireekshan subbamma

First name is:  nireekshan
Last name is:  subbamma
Type of first name is  <class 'str'>
Type of last name is  <class 'str'>
Program       Adding items costs which is in sting type by using argv
Name          demo18.py
from sys import argv

item1_cost = argv[1]
item2_cost =argv[2]

print(“First item cost is: ”, item1_cost)
print(“Second item cost is: ”, item2_cost)

print(“Type of item1_cost is : ”, type(item1_cost))
print(“Type of item2_cost is : ”, type(item2_cost))

total_items_cost= item1_cost + item2_cost

print(“Total cost is: ”, total_items_cost)

Run             py demo18.py 111 223

First item cost is: 111
Second item cost is: 223

Type of item1_cost is : <class 'str'>
Type of item1_cost is : <class 'str'>

Total cost is: 111223 

 Make a note:
  • + operators join or concatenates two string values.
  • If we are adding two string values the by using + operators then joined string will be the output
  • It’s possible to convert from string type to others by using corresponding pre-defined methods. 
Program      Adding items costs by using argv
Name          demo19.py

from sys import argv

item1_cost = argv[1]
item2_cost = argv[2]


print("First item cost is: ", x)
print("Second item cost is: ", y)

print("Type of item1_cost is : ", type(x))
print("Type of item2_cost is : ", type(y))

total_items_cost= x + y

print("Total cost is: ", total_items_cost)

Run             py demo19.py 111 223

First item cost is:  111
Second item cost is:  223

Type of item1_cost is :  <class 'int'>
Type of item2_cost is :  <class 'int'>

Total cost is:  334

len() function
  • len() is a predefined function which returns the number of values
Program      print command line arguments to find length
Name          demo20.py

from sys import argv  
print(“The length of values :”, len(argv))  

Run             python demo20.py 10 20

                  The length of values :3

Program      print command line arguments one by one
Name          demo21.py

from sys import argv  
print(“Total arguments:  ”, argv)  
print(“Command Line Arguments one by one:”) 

for x in argv:  

Run              python demo21.py nireekshan subbamma

Total arguments:  [‘demo21.py', 'nireekshan', ' subbamma']

Command Line Arguments one by one:

Make a note
  • By default, space is separator between command line arguments.
  • While providing the values in command line arguments, if you want to provide space then we need to enclose with double quotes (but not single quotes).
Program       passing text with spaces to command line arguments
Name          demo22.py

from sys import argv  

Run             python demo22.py hello good morning


Program      double quotes string in a command line arguments
Name          demo23.py
from sys import argv  

Run             python demo23.py “hello good morning”


                  hello good morning

Program      Text with spaces by using single quotes in command line arguments
Name          demo24.py
from sys import argv  

Run             python demo24.py ‘hello good morning’



Q) How to extract only integer values from command line arguments?
  •  Please follow below programs carefully
Program      Printing command line arguments
Name          demo25.py

from sys import argv

Run             py demo25.py 111 222
                  ['demo25.py', '111', '222']

Program      Printing one by one values from command line arguments
Name          demo26.py

from sys import argv
for x in argv:

Run             py demo26.py 111 222

Program      Printing only integer values from the command prompt
Name          demo27.py

from sys import argv
for x in argv:
         if x.isdigit():

Run             py demo27.py 111 222
Make a note: isdigit()
  • isdigit() is method in the string class.
  • This method check, Is value is a digit or not.
  • If it is a number then returns True otherwise False
  • We will discuss more in String chapter
Program      isdigit() method in the string class
Name          demo28.py

s = 'abc'

Program      isdigit() method in the string class
Name          demo29.py

s = '123'

Program      Printing the only integer from a command prompt and adding to list
Name          demo30.py

from sys import argv
l = []
for x in argv:
         if x.isdigit():


Run             py demo30.py 111 222
                  [111, 222]
Make a note: append()
  • append() is a method in the list data structure.
  • This method adds or appends an element to list.
  • We will discuss more in list data structure chapter
Program      Printing the only integer from command prompt apply an operation
Name          demo31.py

from sys import argv
l = []
for x in argv:
         if x.isdigit():

Run             py demo31.py 111 222

 Make a note: sum()
  • sum() is a predefined function, it returns the sum of all values